Concordi Laetitia

The following is a new modern translation of traditional Latin poetry.
It is intended to be as literal as possible within the constraint of
of the metrical form and rhyming sequence. By this publishing, I
explicitly place it in the public domain.

Concórdi Laetítia

Composed by Pierre de Corbeil (died 1222)
Translated by Jeffrey C. Kalb, Jr.

Concórdi laetítia,                               With concordant mirth inspired,
Propúlsa maestítia,                             All our sadness now retired,
Maríae praecónia                               Mary let the Church recall,
Récolat Ecclésia:                               Heralding her praise to all:
      Virgo María.                                      O Virgin Mary!

Quae felíci gáudio,                            Who with glad and joyful sighs,
Resurgénte Dómino,                          When the Lord from death did rise,
Flóruit ut lílium,                                Flowered as the lily bloom,
Vivum cernens Fílium:                       Seeing Son His life resume:
      Virgo María.                                      O Virgin Mary!

Quam concéntu párili                        Whom with harmony the same,
Chori laudant cáelici                         The angelic choirs acclaim.
Et nos cum caeléstibus                      We with dwellers heavenly
Novum melos pángimus:                   Venture novel melody:
      Virgo Maria.                                      O Virgin Mary!

O Regína vírginum,                           Virgin Queen of Virgins, heed
Votis fave súpplicum,                       Vows of suppliants in need.
Et post mortis stádium,                     After death’s own course has fled,
Vitae confer práemium:                     Bring reward of life instead:
      Virgo María.                                      O Virgin Mary!

Gloriósa Trínitas,                              O Thou glorious Trinity,
Indivísa Únitas                                  Undivided Unity,
Ob Maríae mérita,                             On account of Mary’s due
Nos salva per sáecula:                      Through the ages save us too:
      Virgo María.                                      O Virgin Mary!